Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Friday

In Social Studies, we are studying communities.  We have learned that a community is place where people live, work, play, get help, learn, and buy things. 

In math, we are creating and interpreting representations of data.

Next week's spelling words:
2nd- into, has, more, her, two

3rd- until, form, food, keep, children

Challenge- community, urban, rural, suburban

Monday, September 26, 2011

Featured Author example

Mini Economy Market

This Thursday, we will have our first "market".  In addition to our weekly "store" where the students buy classroom passes and candy, they will have the opportunity to buy things other students have made and brought in.  Participation is optional.  Example items to bring in and sell are: homemade cookies, brownies, etc., handmade jewelry such as friendship bracelets, drawings or paintings, handmade books or stories, etc. The only rule is that they make it themselves.  It is fine if they have help from an adult.  They also need to decide on prices for their items.  The kids have a lot of fun with this.  They are really looking forward to it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Next week's spelling words

Spelling Unit 5

2nd- some, so, these, would, other

3rd-  would, going, want, school, important

Challenge-  climate, droughts, ignite, wreckage

Thursday, September 22, 2011

There will be a Religion test for 3rd grade tomorrow.  We have finished chapter 3 in class.  They should have their books and ch. reviews to study tonight.  In order to help everyone in the class be successful, Mrs. Ray and I have decided to read the questions out loud to the students and also point out page numbers for the location of answers to specific questions.  We hope this will help!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

We have finished our first science unit "Earth Materials".  There will be a test tomorrow covering the topics from this unit. We will be beginning a social studies unit next week.

In math, we are wrapping up our first unit, "Addition, Subtraction, and the Number System"  Our next unit will involve data collection and representation.

The kids had their first lesson from their ambassador today.  Mary O'Connor taught a lesson about the lifeline "Responsibility"  She did a terrific job and the kids enjoyed having her!

Enjoy this beautiful weather!

-Mrs. Elliot

Monday, September 19, 2011


I have updated the due dates page for this week.

Spelling Words this week:

2nd- out, them, then, she, many

3rd- often, together, asked, house, don't

Challenge- granite, feldspar, hornblende, mica

Thursday, September 15, 2011


There are no spelling activities due tomorrow because we had them last week, and we are still on unit 3.  We will have the unit 3 test tomorrow.

Due tomorrow:  math homework, reading log, spelling skill sheet

Have a great night!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Happy Monday

For math homework tonight, practice addition combinations with your child.  They have brought home their cards.  Please return these cards to school tomorrow.  The goal is that eventually they have these facts to an "automatic" level.  So, that means they don't have to think at all to come up with the answer.  This frees the brain up to think about more complex things.  Fill out the sheet as documentation of your practice.

I sent home their first reading log today.  90 minutes is the minimum per week.  They should include a summary of what they have read.

Just a heads up; we will be going on a field trip on October 20 to Eagle Creek Park.  More information will come home this week.

2nd graders: Bring your purple Reconciliation book to school tomorrow!

-Mrs. Elliot

Friday, September 9, 2011

2nd graders have a meeting for First Reconciliation on Sunday.  A reminder was also sent home with the kids.

I added some more examples in the math tab.  Hope that helps!  I also updated the homework and due dates for next week.  Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A few things...

Due to Benchmark testing that is going on this week, we have gotten behind.  In order not to rush things, there will be NO spelling test this Friday.  The test will be next Friday and the words they have now are the same ones that need to be studied until then. 

3rd graders took a math test yesterday.  I sent them home today.  There were several very low grades.  If you or your child is not happy with the grade, you may retake the test on Friday.  The format will be the same with the numbers changed.  If you do not understand the mistakes that were made, please have your child see me about it so I can go over it with him/her.

See the new page "math examples" for how to solve 2-digit addition and show your work.

Our lifeline this month is RESPONSIBILITY.  A "family connect" went home today.  This is something that should be done as a family.  Please return it on Friday.

Mrs. Elliot

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello parents,
We have started Benchmark assessments this week.  I will be using the scores to determine grouping and instruction as well as to measure individual student growth throughout the school year.

I have entered grades into the MISI online gradebook.  I also sent home information about logging on.  You should be able to see grades 24 hours after I post them, so check over the weekend.

Also, several of you have told me that you have had trouble commenting on the posts.  I will look into that and let you know if I find a solution.  For now, we'll just hold off on the extra credit.  Hopefully I will get it figured out soon, because I like the idea of the kids interacting with the blog with you at home.

Have a great Labor Day weekend!

-Mrs. Elliot