Monday, November 22, 2010

The new spelling words are:
2nd- called, just, where, most, know

3rd- night, picture, being, study, second

challenge- machine, factory, history, future

The test for this unit will not be until Friday, December 3rd. There will be spelling activities for this unit given out next Monday and due Friday the 3rd. The next reading log is also due on Friday the 3rd.

There is math homework tonight, and 3rd graders have a math assessment tomorrow. There really isn't anything to study; it is just what we have been practicing.

If you have not been on Misi to check grades, please do so, and let me know if you have any problems. I can print and send home to anyone who needs it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

There is no math homework tonight. Several students have not been turning in reading logs and spelling activities. Please make sure to help your student remember to bring these items tomorrow.

Yesterday we did a science experiment. Try asking your child why ducks can swim and chickens cannot. Ducks have adaptations that help them swim. We observed two of them. (webbed feet, and a waterproof oil for their feathers).

Here is another math example for you. (subtraction, 3rd grade level)

171 - 83

Keep the first number together, and break the 2nd number apart.

171 - 70 = 101

101 - 10 = 91

91 - 3 = 88

I broke the 83 into 70, 10, and 3. There are other ways to break it up though. 71, 10, and 2 would have worked well for this problem as well.

Number lines are also very useful to find the difference between two numbers.
Let me know if this is helpful!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Social Studies

As part of our new unit on workers and goods in social studies, and part of our mini economy, the kids are all thinking of a business to start in the classroom. This may be a handmade good such as paintings, crafts, baked goods, or a service such as desk cleaning or homework help. They should just be thinking of ideas.

There is also math homework tonight.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Tonight's Homework + exciting news!

We are lucky enough to have had a smartboard installed in our classroom! This will be a huge benefit to us! The ways we can use this technology are limitless!

There is math and spelling homework tonight!

Don't forget reading logs and spelling activities are due this and every Friday!

Mrs. Elliot

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mass this Friday

Our class is preparing the Mass for this Friday. It is not a whole school Mass, just our class, which is kind of nice. Some of the children have readings or are bringing up the gifts. You are more than welcome to join us for Mass this Friday.

Also, there is math homework tonight.

Mrs. Elliot

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Science experiment today

Today we did an experiment in science. Ask your child to tell you what opposable thumbs are and why they are imortant to people. We found out that some tasks are very difficult without thumbs!

Also, there is math homework tonight.


-Mrs. Elliot

Monday, November 8, 2010

Homework tonight + Science test Thursday

There is math homework tonight. 2nd grade is working on seeing patterns when skip counting. 3rd grade is working on finding the difference between two numbers using 100 as a landmark on the numberline.

This Thursday there will be a test in Science. It will not be too difficult for them. They took home their notes to study. Some things they need to know are:

The four basic needs of every animal- food, water, shelter, oxygen

Animals' mouths determine what type of food it can eat.

The only animals with wings are bats, birds, and insects. Be able to describe what they all have in common (help them fly) and the differences between them, for example what they are made out of (see notes)

Finally, animals adapt to their environment in order to survive.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Next Week's spelling words

2nd- way, find, use, many, water

3rd- need, far, hand, high, year

Challenge- services, producer, consumer, resources

Thursday, November 4, 2010

homework tonight

There is only spelling homework tonight. The spelling test is tomorrow, and reading logs and spelling activities are also due. If you don't have a log, a blank piece of paper is fine, however, there is a tray in the classroom that is always stocked with blank reading logs. Remind your child to pick them up anytime!

-Mrs. Elliot

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Math examples "starter problems" (3rd grade level)

To solve 136 + 227

1. start with 100 + 200 = 300 (break both numbers by place value)

then:30 + 20 = 50
6 +7 = 13
300 + 50 + 13 = 363


2. start with 136 + 200 = 336 (keep the first number together)

then: 336 + 20 = 356
356 + 7 = 363


3. start with 136 + 4 = 140

then: 140 + 20 = 160
160 + 200 = 360
360 + 3 = 363

Which one makes the most sense to you? Try to help your child understand them all and then use the one that makes the most sense to him/her. What do you think about these strategies compared to traditional ones? Feel free to leave comments!